The market price of the most expensive and desirable Rust skins has declined, alongside the number of active daily Rust players. Player counts in gaming commonly drop as summer ends and school begins. That is especially true with Rust due to how time-consuming a successful wipe can be.
This time, however, prominent Rust content creators, including Willjum, Tesla, etone, Warrior, Ahm2d, Tacularr, and many others have voiced concerns over the future of Rust. Recent changes to the game have made combat far easier for new players. While this is great for discouraging new players from cheating, veteran players are heartbroken from the countless number of hours they spent practicing spray patterns.
The edge veteran players had in combat over beginners has vanished. An equal playing field sounds amazing on paper, but Rust has slowly grown to have 100,000 players at peak hours under its original combat system. An aspect of the game that kept players coming back for more.
Bring back learnable recoil patterns, with small amounts of aimcone for each shot. That way lots of practice will still reward you, but you can never be 100% accurate even with the best possible control.
Rust Content Creator Willjum on X/Twitter
Now, with so many players quitting or taking a break from Rust, their once-used skins have no purpose and are lying around collecting dust. Many popular and expensive skins, such as the AK-47 Victoria, Frostbite Facemask, AK-47 Alien Red, and Chop Shop Garage Door, have all seen their values decline by nearly 30% in September of 2023 alone.
Rust is far too unique and rewarding to ever truly die off, but still, Facepunch, the creators of Rust, suddenly feel the pressure to please their players and to find a solution that is best for their game long-term.
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