Best Sites to Boost Steam Hours Played in 2024

Discover the best sites for boosting your hours played on Steam games. Take advantage of our honest reviews, ratings, and free bonuses. Our recommended sites have an excellent reputation and consistently provide users with a positive experience.

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Our main objective is to do our best to ensure you a safe and positive experience on the websites we review. Therefore, we keep our list of websites regularly updated so that you’ll only find the best available sites listed on SkinLords.

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How do hour-boosting services work?

Hour-boosting services use their computing power to idle games of your choice. You can idle up to 32 games at once, which means 768 hours are collected every 24 hours across the 32 idled games.

You don’t have to boot up or even download the game to have the service start boosting your game hours! Your PC or device can be completely turned off while your hours are boosted.

Is there any risk of being banned?

There is no risk of a VAC ban when using the trusted sites listed above. These services are simply idling games on your account, and Steam will not ban its users for just playing games.

Is there any other special features?

The unique features received depend on the site and plan you select. SteamTimeIdler has far more features but falls short in its more expensive pricing.

How we create our reviews and ratings

Honest and reliable reviews are our top priority, so our readers can trust our information. With our extensive experience, we feel comfortable to create accurate reviews and ratings.

What goes into a website rating?
  • To gain a thorough understanding of a website, we speak with players who have extensive experience playing on or using the service.
  • Taking a deep dive into the history and details of the website, as it helps us ensure that our reviews are accurate and informative.
  • We personally test the website to ensure that we fully understand its features and functionality.

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