Rust Item Store: Rust Skins Weekly Rotation Review (01/23)
The Rust item store rotated, bringing with it a massive store full of Lunar New Year’s surprises. Fourteen new community items enter the Rust item store, all of which will be covered in this article. The community items come alongside tons of other Lunar New Year’s items and content from Facepunch to improve the experience of the game, all of which will be covered in this article.
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Neon Lunar Serpent Garage Door

The first skin added by this month’s Lunar New Year’s item store is the Neon Lunar Serpent Garage Door. The neon garage door is made from a gold background outlined by a red material and blue neon lights. A massive red snake sits in the middle of the skin next to a blue Chinese symbol. The skin is overall stunningly detailed and neatly made.
Snake Lord Garage Door

The Snake Lord Garage Door is another glowing garage door skin added by this week’s Rust item store. The skin is a giant hand-drawn piece of art consisting of an unclothed woman wrapped in snakes over top of the yellow moon. The Snake Lord Garage Door is
Celestial Coil MP5

The Celestial Coil MP5 is black, rimmed in beautiful gold, and layered with an incredibly detailed golden snake. The weapon offers no glow or improved iron sights and sets itself as a clean, simple MP5 skin option.
Serpent Temple Double Door

Next on our list is the Serpent Temple Double Door. It serves as a set of black and gold doors full of Lunar New Year’s designs fit with a neat patterned paper layer in the middle of the door with a small yellow glow coming from inside of it. The Serpent Temple Double Door is another example of a great Sheet Metal Double Door skin inside of Rust.
Serpent’s Bite SAR

The Serpent’s Bite SAR is the most detailed weapon skin in this Rust item store. A white and red snakes runs aggressively across the stockless SAR while the blue and gold base neatly contrast both the snake and the red flowers that rest around the weapon skin. Part of the snake dimly glows, giving it a neat reflection in the light, while the body of the snake is rimmed in gold, giving it a small 3D effect. The Serpent’s Bite SAR is overall one of the best SAR skins in all of Rust, with both its creative ideas and jaw-dropping look.
Golden Fang Bandana

The Golden Fang Bandana is another snake-themed Lunar New Year’s skin. This time, the bandana is all red with a golden outline and mouth. The mask uses a golden snake mouth to replace the mouth of the player; it features scales, sharp teeth, and a long tongue that has been permanently frozen writhing. The Golden Fang Bandana serves as another great, simple, and clean skin added by the 2025 Lunar New Year’s event.

The Rust Lunar New Year’s fun continues with Ophidia. The legendary M249 skin consists of a green and red base fit with golden symbols, patterns, and clouds that can all be found across the barrel, receiver, and stock of the weapon. Ophidia is just full of the small details that make a weapon skin, the scaled magazine, black cloth, every part of this articulate M249 skin has something fresh to offer
Lunar Snake Bow

Continuing the overarching theme of this Rust item store, we have the Lunar Snake Bow. The bow is lined with golden scales mixed with a dark red wood that has been engraved with a golden snake. Three gold coins are attached to the bow by a black cloth, while the red bowstring adds the final touch to this amazing Lunar New Year’s skin.
Lunar Jacket Cape

The Lunar Jacket Cape is a beautiful way to show your Lunar New Year’s spirit with its massive red and golden design. Gold is perfectly used not only to rim the skin but also to add small flower designs and a massive logo on the back. The red cloth is patterned with dark flowers being visible under the gold. The Lunar Jacket Cape is a great skin to wear to show your Lunar New Year’s spirit.
Large Snake Box

The Large Snake Box continues to follow the same theme of this Rust item store, being made of a glowing red paper material mixed with vibrant, glowing gold. The gold outlines the box and is paired with black, which perfectly contrasts. Three golden snakes sit centered as the focal point of the skin finishing the shiny look of the skin.
Lunar Snake Backpack

Possibly the simplest skin on the list, the Lunar Snake Backpack keeps things tidy with its red and gold designs. A simple golden snake and the text “2025” paired with a Chinese symbol sit on the back of the backpack. A green and gold section can be found where the zipper would normally rest, while the sides of the backpack are covered in a plain red and gold pattern.
Small Snake Box

The Small Snake Box is extremely similar to its large version. It is red and gold but uses a solid wooden material instead of the paper design of the large box. It has the same golden outline and design but with a single, much less menacing, small snake sitting in the center of the box.
Chinese Lantern DBS

The Chinese Lantern DBS comes in to spice things up with its two glowing paper barrels connected by a gold ring to a green-scaled receiver, which has all been lined in gold. The paper barrels glow beautifully under the right light and view and contrast greatly with the red handguard and other red accents that were added to this charming DBS skin.
Lunar Snake Poncho

The final community-made skin added by this week’s Rust item store is the Lunar Snake Poncho. The golden poncho is quite literally a gigantic snake that wraps its way around your entire body. The snake is wrapped with several red strings connected to large golden coins, which pair well with the massive red eyes and fangs of this magnificent hide poncho skin.
Lunar New Year’s Items

Three completely brand new Lunar New Year’s Items were also added to the game and are available in the Rust item store.
Lunar New Year Wallpaper Pack

The pack adds seven Lunar New Year’s wallpapers to spice up your base with. Examples of some of these themes include a cherry blossom design, a bamboo design, and more.
Snake Mask

The Snake Mask has been added as an alternative to the Wolf Headdress requiring the same ingredients to craft and having the same stats. The mask is incredibly detailed, with dark red and green scales, a worn look, big yellow beady eyes, and a second small green snake resting on top of the first one.
Wall Divider Pack

The final new item added by Lunar New Year’s is the Wall Divider Pack. The pack adds three dividers that feature the traditional designs of Chinese Wall Dividers and add a hint of culture to your base.
That’s all for this week’s Rust item store. If you are interested in picking up any of these items for yourself, just head over to the Rust item store or purchase them in-game. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out some of our other articles, such as The Best SAP Skins in Rust. See you next week!
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