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Master the CS2 Leaderboard: What is ADR, HS%, UD, and More?

The Counter-Strike 2 in-game leaderboard, also known as the tab menu or scoreboard, provides an easy way to gauge your performance in each game with respect to your team, in both competitive and casual games. However, the information displayed can, at times, seem cryptic, with statistics abbreviated in the scoreboard into a collective of letters such as ADR, HS%, and UD. In this article, we’ll walk you through each statistic displayed on the tab menu so that you can master the CS2 leaderboard.

All Leaderboard Statistics

In the main tab menu, you can find the following list of settings:

Kills | Deaths | Assists | MVPs | Score | Damage

To access more advanced statistics about your performance, click the “cycle stats” button at the top right of the tab menu. This unlocks the following stats.

HS% | ADR | UD | EF

What Does Each Leaderboard Stat Mean?

In this section, we’ll break down each of the settings listed above so you can master the CS2 leaderboard. This will include what the stat is, why it matters, and some quick tips on improving each stat. The following stats are listed in the order as seen on the tab and in the list above.

Kills/Deaths/Assists in CS2

What are Kills/Deaths/Assists? – Kills, deaths, and assists are the most straightforward stats on the scoreboard. Simply put, it’s the total amount of kills, deaths, or assists you’ve garnered over the entire game. Unlike other games, however, kills are only awarded for getting the final hit. Assists are granted when you do more than 41 damage to enemies or assist in a kill by throwing utility such as flashes.

Why Kills/Deaths/Assists Matter – While not only the measure of success on your team, a high KDA (that ratio of kills, deaths, and assists) typically indicates good performance from a player, at least in terms of fragging and staying alive. As we’ll learn, the stats in CS2’s leaderboard listed later can better indicate skill.

How to Improved KDA

  • Map Awareness: Develop a strong understanding of the maps you play and understand the common enemy positions to anticipate engagements. To help you with this, we’ve published a series walking you through each map in CS2 (including Thera and Mills!) and the strategies you can use for each map.
  • Positioning: Always try to fight from advantageous positions and ensure you can fall back to a safe position to minimize deaths. Be patient and avoid unnecessary aggression.
  • Make Use of Utility: Utility isn’t only crucial for delaying rushes, but grenades can also set up other players to get kills. Good utility usage is arguably the most significant aspect of being a team player.

MVPs in CS2

What are MVPs? – MVP (standing for Most Valuable Player) is awarded each round to the player who has the most significant impact that round. This could be through clutches, planting/defusing the bomb, or getting the most amount of eliminations if no objective is completed.

Why MVPs Matter – MVPs are awarded to recognize players who prioritize the objective (planting/defusing the bomb or even rescuing hostages) or win a round by getting the most kills. MVPs also contribute two points towards a player’s score, which we’ll review later on. Compared to other stats on the CS2 scoreboard, the number of MVPs is less important in determining a player’s performance.

How to Improve MVPs

  • Kills – If the round is won/lost by running down the time or eliminating all enemy players,
  • Objectives – Completing the objectives can be the easiest way to farm MVPs. Even if another player has more kills than you that round, you can still get the MVP.

Damage in CS2

What is Damage? – The damage stat represents the total damage you’ve dealt to enemies throughout the match. Damage is similar to stats such as kills, but it will increase regardless of whether you get the final hit.

Why Damage Matters – Total damage is a key tab menu stat to visualize your match impact. Even if you’re not finishing off enemies, you’re setting up your teammates for success.

How to Improve Damage

  • Aim Practice: Regularly practice your aim (check out our article on improving aim in CS2 here!) to ensure that you’re being lethal during engagements.
  • Aggressive Play: Engage enemies frequently and aim to land as many shots or utility damage on them as possible

HS% in CS2

What is HS%? – HS% stands for headshot percentage, which is the percentage of your shots that hit enemy heads. Headshots deal the most damage in Counter-Strike 2.

Why HS% Matters – HS% is one of the better stats on the CS2 scoreboard for indicating a player’s skill. A player with a high headshot percentage is reliable in securing kills, as headshots with certain weapons during rounds can instantly eliminate an enemy player.

How to Improve HS%

  • Crosshair Placement: Keeping your crosshair at head level can ensure that your shots will land on enemy heads. This is the easiest way to improve in CS2.
  • Aim Training: Regularly practice your aim, especially flicks, so you can accurately click heads.
  • Controlled Firing: Tapping or bursting instead of spraying can help increase the accuracy of your weapons.

ADR in CS2

What is ADR? – ADR stands for Average Damage per Round. ADR is calculated by dividing the total amount of damage in the match by the amount of rounds played. This is a clear metric on your CS2 leaderboard indicating your overall impact in the game and is the primary stat displayed at the end screen of each game.

Why ADR Matters – ADR is crucial, especially in competitive play (such as premier), as it reflects your ability, averaged over the entire game, to deal damage. Like damage or score, a high ADR indicates your contribution to the game without necessarily getting the most amount of kills.

How to Improve ADR

  • Consistent Engagement: Always be looking for favorable fights to have as much impact on the game as possible, increasing both you and your team’s chances of winning each round.
  • Grenade Usage: Throwing utility can be the easiest way to consistently deal damage throughout the game.

UD in CS2

What is UD? – One of the most obscure stats found on the CS2 tab menu, UD describes the utility damage of a player. This can be damage you’ve inflicted using HE grenades, Molotovs, Incendiary Grenades, or even Smokes, Flashes, and Decoys if you directly hit enemies in the body! Understanding these stats is key, not only to master the CS2 leaderboard but also to get feedback on how to improve.

Why UD Matters – Effective utility usage is one of the hallmarks of a great Counter-Strike player. A high UD score indicates that you’re making use of grenades to strategically weaken the team, control the map, and support your teammates.

How to Improve UD

  • Memorize Grenade Lineups: Nobody wants to do this, but it is crucial to truly master maps and get a high utility damage score.
  • Timings: Also one of the more annoying aspects of maps to learn, timings are crucial to throwing grenades or moltovs at the right time to catch enemy players. To help you with this, we’ve written map guides for all the maps in CS2, including not only the timings of key areas in each map but also some strategies and grenades you can learn!

EF in CS2

What is EF? – EF stands for enemies flashed and is another statistic found on your CS2 scoreboard that can indicate a good team player.

Why EF Matters – Flashing enemies is one of the best ways to secure safe kills for both yourself and your teammates. High EF scores indicate that you’re effectively using flashbangs to disrupt and blind enemy players, making it considerably easier for your team to enter or defend sites.

  • Learn Flashbang Spots: Specific pop flashes that enemies don’t expect can sometimes provide the freest kills in games. Practice some lineups, and start terrorizing your games!

Wrapping Up!

In this article, we’ve provided an in-depth guide into each element of the scoreboard, allowing you to truly master the CS2 leaderboard. To explore more CS2 content or access more guides like this one, check out the many other articles on our SkinLords Blog page! As always, keep learning and have fun out there!

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