Wide gap peekdowns have become essential for Rust base builders because they offer better coverage and visibility than regular shooting floors. These structures are also easy to build and can be connected to the main tool cupboard or a separate external TC. Building wide gap peekdowns can give you an advantage in raids and improve your base’s defense.
- Stability can be a concern when building shooting floors that are more than four layers tall.
- Connecting wide gap peeks back to the main tool cupboard can be a more advanced task that may be challenging for some players.
- Remember that adding additional structures to your base, such as wide gap peekdowns, will increase the overall cost of building and maintaining your base.
1. Three square foundations from the base
To add wide gap peekdowns to your base in Rust, first locate the side of your base where you want to add them. It may be more challenging to add wide gap peekdowns to a base with curved or angled sides, compared to a base with a completely flat side.
To begin building the wide gap peekdowns, start by placing three square foundations in a row, followed by a triangle foundation at the end. Then, remove the square foundations and leave only the triangle foundation. This will create a triangular structure with a wide gap, allowing for better shooting visibility and coverage.
2. Creating the perfect gap
Build back towards the base with triangle foundations until there is a triangle next to the base. Remove all triangles except the one next to the base. The remaining triangle foundation should be upgraded from twig.
3. Adding wall frames
To construct wall frames, start by adding them to the triangle foundation farthest from the base. Depending on the stability of the peekdowns, it may be necessary to use additional triangle foundations with wall frames.
Wide gap peekdowns can only be used with square floors supported by wall frames. However, extending the square floors with triangles is possible, as shown in the example below.
4. Connecting to a tool cupboard
To prevent decay, wide gap peeks must be connected to a TC. This can be done by linking the wide gap peeks to an external TC or by connecting them to the main TC through a few additional steps. Multi-TC bases must use both techniques to connect the wide gap peeks to the base and maintain their own external TC.
In our design, we have used four triangle foundations with wall frames, a square, and a final triangle foundation for the TC.
If you decide not to use wide-gap peekdowns, we recommend adding at least one anti-grief external tool cupboard (TC) to your base. This will help to increase the raid cost for any player who may try to grief or take over your base.