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CS2 Mills Guide – Strategies to Master

Mills is one of the new maps added to the Counter-Strike 2 competitive map pool in June of 2024, designed by creator Catfood. Taken place in the Netherlands, Mills provides a beautiful new landscape filled with complex strategies to play and new angles to explore. Following the two-site bomb defusal template, Mills has a good chance of entering the active duty map pool. New maps can be frustrating to learn, however, so we’ve put together a comprehensive CS2 Mills Guide, which will go over the key positions on Mills along with strategies to use for both CT and T-side players.

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Our Map Guides

Key Positions in Mills

Starting off our CS2 Mills Guide with the key positions/callouts in Mills, the following positions on the Mills map are oriented with the T Spawn located on the south side of the map.

T Spawn

CT Spawn

A Site

B Site


A Main


Counter Terrorists’ Strategies

Though the community map is new to CS2, it still follows the general three-lane setup, which is important to note. Though not all details of the new maps released in June have been thoroughly explored, by implementing strategies that can ensure all three lanes are covered, gameplay as CT should be quite standard. Our CS2 Mills Guide recommends a 2-1-2 split, with two players defending B Long, one player defending Mid, and two players defending the A Site.

A Site Defense – 2 Players

Of the two players defending A Site, one should anchor and watch A Main while the other heads Short/Wine to defend against a Mid to A push. Because A Main is quite the choke hold with a narrow neck through which the T-side players must enter on-site, smokes and molotovs are required to defend the site efficiently. The player in Short will double as a Mid player and can easily rotate if it is an A-Main push.

Mid Defense – 1 Player

The person playing Mid can play a multitude of positions, especially because the CT players have the advantage of timing in Mills. Options can range from setting up a sniper in Top Mid/Square to abusing the many corners Mills has to offer. Mid has quite easy access to both sites, but the pathway to B Site does require the T-side players to push all the way into Top Mid. The pathway to A Site is much more accessible, especially if the T-side players smoke it, which is why the players Mid and Wine must work in unison to truly master the map.

B Site/Long Defense – 2 Players

As with the other positions on the map, the CT players have the advantage of timing, meaning they can push in deep long to take more map control. Utility usage is key and smokes here are extremely effective in terms of delaying a push for your team to rotate.

Terrorists’ Strategies

As with any other maps using the standard three-lane setup, your team can either opt for a five-man rush or a split, with players going Mid to add map pressure.

A Site Split Push

Because the entrance to the A Site from A Main is so narrow, a split push from Mid is highly recommended for an A Site take. Mid is exceptionally open on Mills, so we suggest three people go Mid and two people go from A Main. This ensures that the players Mid can trade one another reliably, and efficiently clear the many corners Mills has to offer. Smokes are necessary to cross Mid into Wine. The two players in A Main can boost onto the box to peep over smokes or use grenades to clear the smokes and join the Mid players on site.

B Push

Because the entrance to the B Site from Mid is so deep into CT territory, our CS2 Mills Guide recommends a five-man push straight from B Long. The entrance onto site is much wider than A Main, and is actually a bridge that allows you to peek around any smokes to clear the site. B Site is also much more open, making it easier to work as a five-man team to overpower any CT defenses set up. Retakes can only come from two areas from the CT Side, which can easily be smoked off. The only thing to note is to be aware of flanks in post-plant rounds, as the Mid rotation is extremely fast for CTs.

Wrapping Up!

To wrap up, our CS2 Mills Guide has covered the key locations in the Mills map along with strategies to use for both the CT and T teams. To explore more Counter-Strike content like this, check out the other map guides and much more already posted on our SkinLords Counter-Strike blog page, and stay tuned for the CS2 Thera Guide! As always, keep learning and have fun out there!

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