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CS2 Inventory Review: fl0m’s CS2 Inventory

Erik “fl0m” Flom is a former professional Counter-Strike player who grew his career during the early days of CS:GO, but has since turned to full-time streaming. He is a well-known figure in the CS2 community, especially for the North American fanbase, streaming his games on Twitch almost daily while talking about the current state of the competitive scene. As a tenured veteran of CS, fl0m has amassed quite a Steam inventory with a handful of high-tier skins in his collection.

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How Much Is fl0m’s Steam Inventory Worth?

As of early 2025, fl0m’s Steam inventory is valued at around $50,000. He has more than 700 items across all the pages of his CS inventory; however, the value is mostly driven by the prices of his most treasured and hard-to-find items.

fl0m’s Best CS2 Skins

Ruby Doppler

fl0m knife butterfly knife doppler ruby

fl0m’s best and most expensive skin also happens to be the only one in his inventory that is worth over $10,000. He owns a Butterfly Knife | Doppler in the rare Ruby finish with an aesthetically pleasing Factory New float value of 0.0200. A Ruby pattern is one of the best versions of a Doppler knife you can buy, and the one fl0m owns is worth around $11,500. The Doppler finish is one of the most popular choices for high-tier knife collectors next to other classics such as the Fade or Gamma Doppler, and the shiny red Ruby finish just makes it all the more appealing to anyone.

The flAWP

fl0m AWP dragon lore

That’s the name fl0m nametagged onto his most expensive weapon skin, a Well-Worn AWP | Dragon Lore with two FaZe Clan (Holo) Stickers from the ESL One Cologne 2016 Major. While it may not be Factory New or even Minimal Wear, owning an AWP of such caliber is still an achievement and a worthy centerpiece of any collection. fl0m’s Dragon Lore is worth close to $5,000 and, with a float value of 0.3874, it’s barely even in the Well-Worn category and might even pass as Field-Tested when used in-game.

Howling Dawn M4A4 | Howl

fl0m m4a4 howl

fl0m might not have too many of the most coveted skins, but the ones he does have hit incredibly hard. There is no skin in all of Counter-Strike more infamous than the M4A4 | Howl, and fl0m’s inventory is where one of the few known to exist in circulation resides. His Howl comes in Minimal Wear condition, with a matching Howling Dawn sticker on the base of the weapon and an iBUYPOWER sticker from the DreamHack Winter Major 2014. fl0m’s M4A4 | Howl is worth around $4,300 in the current market. The Howling Dawn sticker used on this weapon is also worth a huge chunk of change, as it currently goes for $1,000.

fl0m Inventory Rating

Overall, fl0m’s inventory might not be as loaded with skins that some of the other streamers or personalities out there use, but it does have some heavy hitters. As someone known to analyze plays and check on the professional scene’s current state of affairs, fl0m’s days as a professional clicking heads and winning matches all across North America have definitely taken a backseat. He is still a well-respected member of the community who has a decent rotation of skins to show off in his daily play sessions. Even with a lack of variety and quantity of skins that are classified as high-tier, the small amount fl0m chooses to keep in his inventory is still worth talking about. With that, we give his inventory a rating of 5/10.

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