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CS2 Autoexec Config Guide – How to Create, Find, and Change the CS2 Config File

If you have ever gone about optimizing your CS2 settings, customizing your CS2 experience, or trying to debug issues with the game, you have probably come across some mention of the “autoexec config.” The CS2 autoexec config file, also known as the .cfg or autoexec file, is one of the most important “behind the scenes” aspects of CS2. It may not be in your game itself, but it can be a huge help for making quality-of-life changes to CS2. This guide will cover what the CS2 autoexec config is as well as how to create, locate, and edit the config file.

What is the CS2 Autoexec Config File?

The autoexec config file, which is found in many games developed by Valve, is a cfg file in which a user can input commands that will run as soon as they launch the game. Using autoexec config files allows for commands to automatically execute upon launching the game. You can use the CS2 config to make your CS2 gameplay smoother and more oriented towards your preferences.

How to Create an Autoexec Config File for CS2

You can skip this section if you have already created an autoexec config.

To force commands to execute automatically, you must create your autoexec.cfg file for CS2. To do this:

  1. Launch Steam
  2. Navigate to your Steam Library
  3. Right-click on CS2 in your Steam Library
  4. Place your cursor over the Manage button
  5. Click on Browse Local Files
  6. Open the “game” folder in the local files
  7. Open the “csgo” folder. Note: The folder is still named after Counter Strike Global Offensive, but the file impacts CS2 now as CSGO is no longer operational.
  8. Open the cfg folder. This is where all of your config files are stored.
  9. Create a new text document within the folder. This will create a new config file for your autoexec to be hosted.
  10. Name the new document “autoexec.cfg.” Simply naming the txt file will automatically signal CS2 that this is an autoexec config, and you will be able to recall it in your launch options successfully(more on that later).

How to Find an Autoexec Config File for CS2

To find your autoexec.cfg file:

  1. Launch Steam
  2. Navigate to your Steam Library
  3. Right-click on CS2 in your Steam Library
  4. Place your cursor over the Manage button
  5. Click on Browse Local Files
  6. Open the “game” folder in the local files
  7. Open the “csgo” folder. Note: The folder is still named after Counter Strike Global Offensive, but the file impacts CS2 now as CSGO is no longer operational.
  8. Open the cfg folder. This is where all of your config files are stored.
  9. Search for “autoexec.cfg.” The file that appears is your autoexec config,

How to an Edit Autoexec Config

You can input multiple commands into the autoexec.cfg, but you must do them one line at a time. Follow the steps below to edit an autoexec.cfg in CS2:

  1. Type any command that you want to execute automatically when CS2 is launched. The config works the same as the developer console, so enter any in game console command into the autoexec.cfg without changing one thing. Examples:
    1. fps_max 0 – To uncap the maximum FPS your game can achieve, forcing your framerate to the extent of your monitor or computer’s limits. Read a full article on optimizing CS2 settings for FPS here.
    2. viewmodel_fov [#] – To change your viewmodel to your preferred value. Read full articles on CS2 viewmodel and FOV and more on the SkinLords blog.
  2. Exit the file once you are finished inputting commands. The commands can now be set to be executed automatically using the steps in the section below.

How to Execute an autoexec.cfg

To force your autoexec config to work automatically as soon as you launch the game:

  1. Go to Steam
  2. Navigate to your Steam Library
  3. Right-click on CS2
  4. Click on “Properties.”
  5. Click on “General.”
  6. Scroll to the bottom and find “Launch Options.” This is where you will input the autoexec command.
  7. Type the following command into the Launch Options:+exec autoexec.cfgThe file will now execute as soon as you launch your game.
  8. Exit out of the Properties menu.
  9. Next time you launch the game, the commands you entered into the config file will be entered into your game without you having to do anything. Trust us, it’s worth the effort!

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