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CS2 Anubis Guide – Strategies to Master

Anubis, part of the Counter-Strike premier map pool, has remained one of the most popular maps amongst pros and casual players alike. Learning a new map can be frustrating, however, whether you’re a new or returning player. To truly bring your game to the next level, our CS2 Anubis Guide has helped you master Anubis by compiling some key positions to know in Anubis, important timings of encounters, and in-depth strategies for both CT and T players to use in your own games!

Key Positions in Anubis

In the first section of the CS2 Anubis Guide, let’s go over some key positions in the map. The following positions are listed with the map oriented so that the Terrorists’ spawn is on the south side of the map.

  • T Spawn – T Spawn is the spawn point for Terrorist players each round. T Spawn is located at the south sidemost of the map
  • CT Spawn – CT Spawn is the spawn point for all Counter Terrorist players each round. CT Spawn is located directly opposite to T Spawn on the northmost side of the map.
  • A Site – A Site is one of two sites Terrorists can go to plant the bomb. A site is located at the northeast corner of the map.
  • B Site – B Site is the other of two sites Terrorists can go to plant the bomb. B site is located on the west side of the map.
  • Mid – Mid runs vertically through the middle of the map, connecting many areas of the map and provides direct pathways to the A and B sites.
  • Canal – Canal runs horizontally directly under Mid, providing a vertical aspect unique to Anubis. It connects with A Main as well as B Dark.

Timings of Contested Areas in Anubis

As part of the second section in the CS2 Anubis Guide, let’s go over some key timings you can use to prepare yourself for engagements.

Mid Timing – The timing for the Mid engagement is mostly balanced, with CT and T players arriving at roughly the same time to battle for Mid control. This timing can vary widely due to the spawn locations for the T-side players spanning across a much larger area or as simply as being blocked by your teammates.

Canal/Dark Timing – In addition to Mid, control over Canal can lead directly to opening up the B site. The T-side players will reach the angle first, forcing the CT players to take initiative and peak into their angle or use grenades to offset the timing disadvantage.

A/B Site Timing – For both the A and B site, the CT players will have initial control each game. The CT players can push all the way into A Main meeting the T-side players at boat, and the CT players playing B can peak into Long, forcing an initial engagement.

Counter-Terrorists’ Strategies

Our CS2 Anubis Guide recommends a 2-1-2 split, with two players watching A, one player watching Mid, and two players watching B.

A Site Defense – 2 Players

Of the two players defending the A bombsite, one player should anchor A, always watching A main. The other should play near Connector and rotate Mid if necessary. To hold A efficiently, the A anchor can play multiple positions, including put, backside, or heaven. Positions such as heaven are more passive, however, and can be smoked off more easily. A more aggressive angle, such as behind pillar, to gain information as soon as possible and be able to easily smoke off the entrance to buy time for your teammates’ rotate is recommended. Always remember, smokes and molotovs are key to defending any site.

Mid – The Mid player should play either Z or Double Doors to ensure that the T-side players can’t penetrate your team’s line of defense as Mid grants access to both sites. If you do hear movement for a potential push Mid, toss down a smoke and have the T-side players blocked off.

B Site Defense – 2 Players

Though most T-side players will push B Main to gain access to site, there will oftentimes also be a split through Canal to add extra pressure on defending members. It’s therefore advised that one player defends against a B Main push while one player defends Dark. The player defending B can has many angles to play, including default, pillar, backside, or even quad. Just make sure to switch it up between rounds, and have a smoke or molotov at hand to delay a push. The player in Dark’s main objective is to gather information on Canal, though beware that the T-side players have the advantage of getting to the angle faster.

Terrorists’ Strategies

Though strategy on the attacking side is much more variable, our CS2 Anubis Guide has put together two simple strategies you can employ with your team to take a site safely and secure the win.

A Site Take – To take the A site, there should be a 3-2 split between A Main and Mid. The three players working A Main should throw a heaven smoke, molly behind fountain pillar, and make their way onto site with flashes. The two players going Mid have the harder job, forced to clear many angles. A molotov in Z is crucial when walking up, and tossing a smoke to the hallway leading to palace makes walking towards A much easier. When your team has regrouped, the recommended bomb plant position is on the southeast corner of the pillar on site, assuring you can play a safe post-plant position. You can also extend towards heaven to take more space after the bomb plant.

B Site Take – Like the strategy used to take A, a B site execute involves a 3-2 split as well, with three players pushing through B Main and two players making their way Canal and into Dark. The three players in B Main have two main smokes to throw: one smoke in palace and one smoke in alley. These smokes can be thrown without lineup, though it does make it significantly easier and safer. After the smokes landed, simply toss some flashes over the wall and head onto site. The two players in Canals should aim to be at Dark by the time the B Main players head onto site. A molotov is key to taking Dark, and after that, flashes to assist with taking site. A common and safe bomb plant position is in the corner of site formed by the wall off the main pillar. This plant position ensures a safe post-plant can be played out.

Wrapping Up!

Our comprehensive CS2 Anubis Guide has covered the key positions on the Anubis map, important timings to learn, and in-depth strategies for both CT and T players. To learn similar information about the game as a whole and other maps, including Dust 2, Mirage, and Ancient, make sure to check out the other guides available on the SkinLords Blog! As always, remember to keep learning and have fun out there!

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